Final Suggestion for MA (English) -2008

Final Suggestion for MA( English)-2008
National University
Date: 06-09-2010
A.Caucer and Shakespeare
1.The Nun's -priests Tale:
*Treatment of Dream
*Wit and humour

2.The Tempest:
*Miranda -Ferdinand love story
*Study of colonialism

*Delay in taking revenge

*Desdimonas character
*Use of Handkerchief

5.King Lear:
*Character of the fool
*Comment on shakespeares use of a subplot
B.Modern Poetry:
1.W.B. Yeats:
*Patriotic poet
*Irish Nationalism
*Two Byzantium poems related to each other

2.Robert Frost:
*Frost optimism includes the cruel and harsh elements

*Attitude to love and sex

*Treatment of love and friendship
C.Modern Drama:
1.Riders to the Sea:
*Role of fate in Riders to the sea

2.Waiting for Godot:
*Waiting for Godot is a play of waiting not about Godot.

3.Desire Under the Elms:
*Use of symbol
*Relationship Abbie-Eben

4.Death of a Salesman:
*American society
*Concept of dream

This Suggestion is only for the poor student. For more suggestion and handnote please contact: +88 01912030138


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