Important Explanation(The Nun’s Priest’s Tale)

Important Explanation(The Nun’s Priest’s Tale)

1.This storie is also trewe, I undertake,
As is the book of Launcelot De Lake,
T hat women holde in ful great reverence.

2. and now, good people, pay attention to all
see how dame fortune quickly change side.

3.Not other cure cnstow noon for me
Eek I nil not be cured, I wol deye;
What knowe I of the queen Niobe?
Lat be thyne olde ensaumples, I thee preye.

4.Wommenes counseils been ful ofte colde
Wommenes Counsecil broughte us first to wo
And made Adam from Paradise to go
There as he was ful merye and wel at esc.

5.Now goode men, I prey you herkneth alle
Lo, how fortune turneth sodynly
The hope and pryde eek of hir enemy.

6.for when I see the beautee of your face
Ye been so scarlet reed aboute youre yen-
It maketh al my drede for to dein.

7.what is’t I dream on?
O cunning enemy, that, to catch a saint.
With saint dost bait thy hook!most dangerous
Is that temptation that doth goad us
To sin in living virtue.

8.and in oure yerd tho herbes shal I fynde
The which han of hire propertee by kynde
To ourge yow, bynethe and eek above
Forget nat this. For Goddes owene love!

9.But in that moment Fate let fly her shaft;
Ever the letter end of joy is woe.

10.This man out of his sleep for feere abrayde,
But whan that he was wakened of his sleep,
He turned hym and took of this no keep.

11.O false mordrour, lerkynge in thy den!
O newe scariot! Newe Genylon!
False dissimilour! O Greek synon
That brightest Troye al outrely to sorwe!

12.for also siker as in principio
Mulierest hominis Confusio
Madame, the sentence of this Latyn is
Womman is mannes joye and al his blis.

Amir Mohammad Kabir


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