What is an absurd drama?:Waiting For Godot
MODERN DRAMA: SAMUEL BECKETT : Waiting for godot Question : What is an absurd drama? Consider Waiting for Godot as a play belonging to the tradition of the theatre of the absurd. or, What are the Absurd elements of Waiting For Godot? or, What is the significance of the title of the play Waiting For Godot? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Answer: The Theatre of the Absurd presents anxiety, despair, and a sense of loss at the disappearance of solutions, illusions, and purposefulness. Facing up to this loss means that we face up to reality itself. Thus Absurd drama becomes a kind of modern mystical experience. ‘Absurd’ the term, comes not from a dictionary meaning, but from Martin Esslin’s books The Theater of the Absurd where he explains it as a ‘sense of metaphysical anguish at the absur...