
American dream of success: Arthur Millar

MODERN DRAMA: Arthur miller: death of a salesman: American dream of Sucess Question : Death of a Salesman is a protest against the American dream of success. Duscuss with reference to the text. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Answer: Material happiness provides the ambition behind seeking the Arthur Millar’s Death of a Salesman. In Death of a Salesman Willy Loman’s determination to live up to his American Dream and seek material happiness only takes his life. Historically, the American dream means a promise of freedom and opportunity for all. Anyone who works hard could expect to have a happy and prosperous life. The play is set in twentieth-century industrial society, complete with apartment Nocks, financial difficulties and pressures to succeed. Willy Loman is a victim of American dream of success. Much of Willy’s suffering is due to the nature of American society. American society is highly com...