Free notes: Robert Browning :MY LAST DUCHESS
Poetry: Robert Browning: My last Duchess Question: Write a critical appreciation of My last Duchess. Answer: Browing’s ‘My last Duchess’ can be considered as a unique model of dramatic monologue. This piece of work of Browing has added a dimension in the world of literature. “The Whole poem, says David Daiches, ‘is but the visible part of the iceberg but the submerged invisible part is not a matter of vague suggestiveness; it is both psychologically and historically defined.’ The poem is a beautiful study in soul-dissection in its short dramatic form. From our reading of the poem, the Duke of Ferrara emerges as unscrupulous, selfish, tyrannical and arrogant, emerges as an individual as well as a typical nobleman of the Italian Renaissance. We form the idea of the Duchess from the words of Duke himself. She is frank, charming girl, innocent, good-natured and unsophisticated. The poem is a great specimen of dramatic monologue. Phelps comments that it is astounding that so profound a life...